
Sustainability Statement

Our mission is to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels and accelerate the growth of green energy. To meet the IPCC goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius is crucial, and we believe biofuels will play an important role in transitioning towards green energy growth.
We provide our customers and partners with lower-emission solutions which seek to avoid any strain on the global food supply and steer clear of contributing to deforestation.

Apeiron's Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Overall Impact

The Oil Cycle Community Used Cooking Oil (UCO) Recycling

The Oil Cycle Impact

Our goal is to promote responsible UCO disposal and implement UCO recycling infrastructures in our communities to close the recycling gap and promote a circular economy.


Students and Residents Engaged Across the World

4000+ kg

UCO Collected from Households


Schools Reached

Creating a Sustainable Household Used Cooking Oil (UCO) Recycling System Accessible to All

Ever wondered about the fate of your UCO? Does it vanish down the drain or disappear into the toilet?

Globally, countries continue to spend millions unclogging sewers and mitigating the environmental impact of improper UCO disposal. For example, in countries with developing sewage infrastructures, improper disposal can lead to water pollution, with just 1 litre of UCO having the potential to contaminate 1,000,000 litres of fresh water.

The Oil Cycle aims to promote responsible UCO disposal in Asia and introduce UCO recycling infrastructures in our communities to close the recycling gap and promote a circular economy.

The Oil Cycle

Recycling Points


City Sprouts (Henderson)
102 Henderson Rd, Singapore 159562

Far Eastern Bible College
9A Gilstead Rd, Singapore 309063

Fusionopolis 1
1 Fusionopolis Wy, Singapore 138632

Fusionopolis 2
2 Fusionopolis Wy, Singapore 138634

Our Green Hub
40 Cambridge Rd, Singapore 210040

Pei Kio Market & Food Centre
41A Cambridge Rd, Singapore 211041

Tekka Centre
665 Buffalo Road Zhujiao Centre, Tekka Market, Singapore 210665


11 Bedok North Street 1, Singapore 469662

3A Pasir Ris Drive 6, Singapore 519422

Our Community Pillars

Education Workshops

We aim to raise used cooking oil recycling awareness to students, parents, and teachers, offering guidance on sustainable practices.

Community Engagement

We aim to work with grassroots organisations to establish used cooking oil recycling points right in the heart of our communities.

Community UCO Collaborative

We collaborate with NGOs to involve vulnerable communities as used cooking oil collectors, boosting awareness and income opportunities.